Sale of fresh and preserved truffles, local products made with truffles (oil...), books about truffles...
Guided tour of the truffle domain: walk among oak trees, "cavage" demonstration (how dogs look for truffles by sniffing the soil), truffle carpaccio tasting, reservation required (6€/pers).
Spoken languages
- Italian
- English
- French
- Mushrooms
- Truffle
- Product tasting
Closed exceptionally on January 1st.
Individual tour
- Unguided individual tours available permanently
- Guided individual tours on request
- Individual tasting (free of charge)
- Individual tasting (charged for)
- Average Duration of the individual tour: 90 minutes
Group tour
- Unguided group tours available permanently
- Guided group tours on request
- Guided group tours obligatory
- Group tasting (free of charge)
- Group tasting (charged for)
- Average duration of groups visit: 90 minutes
- Max. group size: 200
Payment options:
- American Express
- Bank/credit card
- Check
- Cash
- Credit transfer
Amenities and Services
- Coach access
- Educational visits
- Guided tours
- Home delivery
- International export
- Motorhomes allowed
- Online shop
- Permanent entertainments organiser
- Pets welcome
- Sales on site
- Shop
- Themed tour
- Tour free of charge
- Tourist brochures
- Tourist information
- Private parking
- Coach parking
- Parking nearby
- Car park
- Camper van reception area
- Reception room
- Exhibition space
- Toilets